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Training Divisions
Our Various Training Divisions – Technical
New Age Niche Technologies General Technologies Upskilling Programs Client-Centric Learning Programs HTD -Hire-Train-Deploy
  • AI/ML
  • LLM
  • Design Thinking
  • Innovative Thinking
  • Generative AI
  • Industrial IoT
  • Data Science
  • Data Engineering
  • Data Analytics
  • Java Full Stack
  • .NET Full Stack
  • C, C++, C#
  • Python
  • Microservices
  • Testing
  • Data Engineering
  • Embedded
  • Big Data
  • Devops Cloud
  • RPA
  • Android
  • PMP
  • Cyber Security
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Snowflake
  • VLSI
  • Automotive
  • Programs meticulously customized to align with client’s specific requirements
Our Various Training Divisions – Non Technical
Cognitive Skills Power Skills Behavioral Skills Soft Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Design Thinking
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Decision-Making Skills
  • Strategic Planning
  • Analytical Skills
  • Attention to Detail
  • Memory Enhancement
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Cognitive Flexibility
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Visualization and Spatial Reasoning
  • Mindfulness and Focus
  • Learning Strategies
  • Brain Teasers and Puzzles
  • Leadership skills
  • Sales techniques - 10X
  • Pro Presentation Skills
  • Team building & Goal setting
  • Business Communication skills
  • Corporate etiquette
  • Conflict Management
  • Time Management and productivity
  • Decision-making skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Critical/analytical/lateral thinking skills
  • Experiential learning – OBT
  • New Managers Training
  • Effective Communication
  • Devops Cloud
  • Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Building Positive Relationships
  • Stress Management
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Professionalism and Etiquette
  • Assertiveness and Confidence
  • Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity
  • Networking and Building Connections
  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Ethical Behavior and Integrity
  • Communication Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Leadership Skills
  • Networking
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Self-Motivation
  • Ethical Integrity
  • Active Learning

Team Building


This training program will help develop shared vision/understanding for a high-performing team, determining the critical elements and individual contributions that comprise the vision in their organizations. It will also promote practice on key skills needed to address the inevitable challenges that arise in teams, notably, appreciating individual differences, communicating collaboratively, and managing conflict.

Training Methodolgy

Training program with scenario based case studies, activities & debriefing.

Key Take Aways

1. Be able to describe: 

• Characteristics of effective teams

 • Four stages of team development

 • How individual differences and roles contribute to building a strong team 

2. Have practiced skills in: 

• Supporting team development through its formative stages

 • Constructive communication

 • Conflict resolution 

3. And will have discussed: 

• A vision of their ideal team 

• Principles and behaviors to guide team performance

 • A plan for monitoring progress toward achieving their vision
